    title      = {Economics as the scientization of politics},
    author     = {Jon Mulberg},
    url        = {https://jpe.episciences.org/8671},
    doi        = {10.46298/jpe.8671},
    journal    = {Journal of Philosophical Economics},
    issn       = {1844-8208},
    volume     = {Volume XIV Issue 1-2},
    issuetitle = {Symposium: How economists are taught philosophy: pedagogical and self-referential reflections about the role of philosophy in an economist's work},
    eid        = 11,
    year       = {2021},
    month      = {Nov},
    keywords   = {[SHS.ECO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and Finance, [SHS.PHIL]Humanities and Social Sciences/Philosophy},
    language   = {English},