Mark Beeson - Globalisation, the state and economic justice

jpe:10557 - Journal of Philosophical Economics, March 1, 2008, Volume I Issue 1 -
Globalisation, the state and economic justiceArticle

Authors: Mark Beeson ORCID1

  • 1 University of Birmingham [Birmingham]

This paper explores the potential for states to act as agents of economic justice in an era of 'globalisation'. After providing a critical review of debates about both economic justice and globalisation, the paper suggests that states retain an important degree of policy-making autonomy-should they care to exercise it. Following this I make a rather unfashionable argument which claims that, if economic justice is actually to be achieved in the contemporary era, it may be up to states to provide it. For the current structures of global governance are not only often ineffective, but they may actually entrench inequality and injustice. In the absence of a just global order, individual states may have to rely on their own efforts to achieve what economic equality they can.

Volume: Volume I Issue 1
Section: Articles
Published on: March 1, 2008
Imported on: December 28, 2022
Keywords: states,economic justice,globalisation,international financial institutions,global governance,[SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences

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