Soumitra Sharma - From a 'Moral Philosopher' to a 'Poor' Economist

jpe:10558 - Journal of Philosophical Economics, March 1, 2008, Volume I Issue 1 -
From a 'Moral Philosopher' to a 'Poor' EconomistArticle

Authors: Soumitra Sharma 1

  • 1 Juraj Dobrila University of Pula = Université Juraj Dobrila de Pula [Croatie]

The roots of modern 'Economics' are deeply buried in the moral and political philosophy of the ancient philosophers. The journey of an economist from the pedestal of a 'moral philosopher' to a state of 'poor economist' is rather long. Through the Middle Ages the 'natural law' approach to economics and sociology held firm. The 'socio-economic rationalism' of the Stoics helped this approach to develop into a 'social science' that later took the form of 'moral philosophy' of the 18 th century philosophers. Since then Economics has been enriched by scientific thought of many. While Marshall and his Principles made the study of Economics popular at universities, Keynes provided a theoretical platform to the governments for their full employment policies ensuring an unprecedented economic growth for a quarter century during the postwar years. For more than a century now Economics has witnessed tremendous progress in methods and contents. Unfortunately, over the last two decades it has come under fire. Is there a new transformation underway or Economics has lost its lustre? This short essay tries to address some of such issues.

Volume: Volume I Issue 1
Section: Articles
Published on: March 1, 2008
Imported on: December 28, 2022
Keywords: Aristotle,The Arthasatra,education,natural laws,moral philosophy,mathematics,[SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences


JEL Classification System1
  • A12 - Relation of Economics to Other Disciplines
  • N01 - Development of the Discipline: Historiographical; Sources and Methods

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