Randall Holcombe - Pluralism versus Heterodoxy in Economics and the Social Sciences

jpe:10562 - Journal of Philosophical Economics, March 1, 2008, Volume I Issue 2 - https://doi.org/10.46298/jpe.10562
Pluralism versus Heterodoxy in Economics and the Social SciencesArticle

Authors: Randall Holcombe 1

Pluralism is the concept that there is no single methodology that is always the correct one for discovering scientific truths, so multiple approaches and methodologies are required for a complete scientific understanding of a subject. Heterodoxy refers to those approaches to a subject that are outside of the generally accepted mainstream. While pluralism and heterodoxy are not necessarily inconsistent, heterodox economists tend to follow one particular methodology or school of thought rather than taking an eclectic approach to economic understanding, and heterodox economists often criticize approaches other than their own. Thus, in most cases, heterodox economists, by defending their own schools of thought and critiquing other approaches, are not pluralistic. The paper advocates a pluralistic approach to the social sciences over the more narrow approaches typically promoted by heterodox schools of thought.

Volume: Volume I Issue 2
Section: Articles
Published on: March 1, 2008
Imported on: December 28, 2022
Keywords: heterodox economics,orthodox economics,pluralism,open systems,[SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences


JEL Classification System1
  • B41 - Economic Methodology
  • B59 - Current Heterodox Approaches: Other

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