Bjørn-Ivar Davidsen - Towards a critical realist-inspired economic methodology

jpe:10595 - Journal of Philosophical Economics, May 20, 2010, Volume III Issue 2 -
Towards a critical realist-inspired economic methodologyArticle

Authors: Bjørn-Ivar Davidsen 1

  • 1 Østfold University College

This paper argues that critical realism conceived as a meta-theory for scientific activities offers a consistent set of helpful philosophical resources from which a potentially fruitful position of economic methodology may be developed. When fully developed, a critical realist-inspired economic methodology may in turn underlabour for more concrete scientific undertakings, economic theorising and applied analyses. Adopting such a strategy for further advancement of the critical realist project would prove a much needed supplement to, or perhaps even substitute for, the currently dominating strategy of grand scale philosophical underlabouring aimed at reorienting more or less the whole discipline of economics. The main trust of the argument made then, is that critical realism comes with a constructive and practical potential that goes beyond critiques of mainstream economics and philosophical underlabouring for already existing schools of thought within economics and that it is time for this potential to be actualised.

Volume: Volume III Issue 2
Section: Articles
Published on: May 20, 2010
Imported on: December 28, 2022
Keywords: critical realism,meta-theory,ontology,epistemology,methodology,[SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences


JEL Classification System1
  • B41 - Economic Methodology

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