Irina Zgreabãn - A Review of Christian Arnsperger, Full Spectrum Economics. Towards an Inclusive and Emancipatory Social Science, Routledge, 2010, 277 pp.

jpe:10601 - Journal of Philosophical Economics, May 20, 2010, Volume III Issue 2 -
A Review of Christian Arnsperger, Full Spectrum Economics. Towards an Inclusive and Emancipatory Social Science, Routledge, 2010, 277 pp.Article

Authors: Irina Zgreabãn 1

  • 1 The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies / Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti

Many brilliant economists today do recognize that economics need to be reformed, but the vast majority of scientific works is still captive into the absolute rigor of the Cartesian paradigm and the finery of the Newtonian models. In this context, Christian Arnsperger's book aims to be a guide in the efforts to conceptually renew economics. As part of this endeavour, he pursues ambitiously to build a new sub-discipline within the economic science-Full Spectrum economics. The writing is mainly constructed on a critical and consistent review of the philosophical principals of scientific materialism and mainstream monism, on which Western Enlightenment was built, and of the current research methodologies applied in economics and founded on these principles. Enlightenment is disregarded as being based on mathematical formalism that looks for "characteristic universalis" (Descartes), absent from real world. The book is also a struggle to holism and transdisciplinarity, being indeed an enriching experience in logics, philosophy, psychology and economics.

Volume: Volume III Issue 2
Section: Book reviews
Published on: May 20, 2010
Imported on: December 28, 2022
Keywords: [SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences


JEL Classification System1
  • Y30 - Book Reviews (unclassified)

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