Richard Lee - Critiques and developments in world-systems analysis: an introduction to the special collection

jpe:10603 - Journal of Philosophical Economics, November 20, 2010, Volume IV Issue 1 -
Critiques and developments in world-systems analysis: an introduction to the special collectionArticle

Authors: Richard Lee 1

  • 1 State University of New York

From its inception, the world-systems perspective was not only enormously influential in long-term, large-scale social research; it also attracted a set of serious critiques. These fell into the general areas of the emergence of the capitalist world-economy; reductionism in the mode of argument; surplus appropriation and accumulation, including the question of class; and the general exclusion of an analysis of any role for "culture." It is concrete developments in world-systems analysis over the past three decades, although not to the exclusion of explicit responses to critiques, that have gone a long way in addressing these concerns. They fall most notably into the areas of commodity chains, households, world-ecology, and the structures of knowledge.

Volume: Volume IV Issue 1
Section: Articles
Published on: November 20, 2010
Imported on: December 28, 2022
Keywords: world-systems analysis,critiques of world-systems analysis,Immanuel Wallerstein,commodity chains,households,world-ecology,structures of knowledge,[SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences


JEL Classification System1
  • P00 - Political Economy and Comparative Economic Systems: General
  • Z00 - Other Special Topics: General

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