Anca Pecican - ‘Ups’ and ‘downs’ in metaphor use: the case of increase / decrease metaphors in Spanish economic discourse

jpe:10675 - Journal of Philosophical Economics, May 20, 2015, Volume VIII Issue 2 -
‘Ups’ and ‘downs’ in metaphor use: the case of increase / decrease metaphors in Spanish economic discourseArticle

Authors: Anca Pecican 1

  • 1 The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies / Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti

The purpose of the present article is to analyze the use of evaluative metaphors in two economic discourse genres displaying different degrees of specialization: business media and the central bank report. The article points out the differences in terms of metaphor use between the two types of discourses ranging from lexical choices to the way evaluation is assumed. Metaphor use is also a result of specific textual goals. The research is intended to provide a detailed insight into matters related to hidden subjective content present in metaphors. The extended use of the lexical items in focus both in the media as well as in specialized discourse tends to generate readers’ over familiarization with them and consequently the possibility of value neutralization. That is why people are usually not aware of the opinion forming effects metaphors have in communication.

Volume: Volume VIII Issue 2
Section: Articles
Published on: May 20, 2015
Imported on: December 28, 2022
Keywords: [SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences


JEL Classification System1
  • Z00 - Other Special Topics: General

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