Perspectives on interpersonal utility comparisons: an analysis of selected modelsArticle
Authors: Afschin Gandjour 1
Afschin Gandjour
1 Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
Recently, new models for comparing the strength of individual preferences have been proposed. This perspective article discusses these models within the context of different accounts of how people attribute mental states to others. The paper highlights that the new models share a common shortcoming with Harsanyi’s Equiprobability Model of Moral Value Judgments, which is the inability to facilitate interpersonal comparisons of preference strengths.
Keywords: interpersonal utility comparison,mental states,empathy,sympathy,JEL: B - History of Economic Thought, Methodology, and Heterodox Approaches/B.B4 - Economic Methodology/B.B4.B41 - Economic Methodology,JEL: D - Microeconomics/D.D6 - Welfare Economics/D.D6.D63 - Equity, Justice, Inequality, and Other Normative Criteria and Measurement,[SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences