Alain Herscovici - The Historicity of Economic Sciences: The Main Epistemological Ruptures

jpe:12219 - Journal of Philosophical Economics, April 3, 2024, Volume XVII -
The Historicity of Economic Sciences: The Main Epistemological RupturesArticle

Authors: Alain Herscovici ORCID1

The object of this work is threefold: it consists (a) in explaining and justifying, based on Foucault's concept of episteme, the epistemological foundations from which Classical Economics, Keynesian Economics and Neoclassical Economics were built; (b) in studying the nature of the epistemological ruptures that allow differentiating these schools; and (c) in defining the degree of incommensurability of these different paradigms. In the first part, I will define the main epistemological tools that allow studying the birth and evolution of science. In the second part, I will study the nature of the epistemological ruptures that characterize these evolutions and these different schools.

Volume: Volume XVII
Section: The Economists’ Philosophy Day – A Journal of Philosophical Economics celebration of philosophical reflection in the economic science
Published on: April 3, 2024
Accepted on: February 16, 2024
Submitted on: August 31, 2023
Keywords: Historicity,Epistemological Ruptures,History of Economic Thought,Episteme,[SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences,[QFIN]Quantitative Finance [q-fin]

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